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    Welcome to Squirrel Medical®

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    Ensuring Safety and Compliance

    With more than 20 active mattresses and pumps classified as Class IIa medical devices, Squirrel Medical® guarantees top-notch safety and regulatory standards.

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    Published Clinical Evidence

    Squirrel Medical class2a active mattresses, are backed by research from the University of St Mark and St John, featured in the Journal of Wound Care and indexed on PubMed.
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    Peace of


    Our dedication to regulatory compliance, clinical efficacy, comfort and affordability offers unmatched peace of mind to healthcare providers and patients alike.

  • Manufacturer of

    Class IIa Active Mattresses.

    Squirrel Medical® is synonymous with trust and confidence. Squirrel Medical® develops world-leading alternating active mattresses that are registered as Class IIa medical devices, Squirrel Medical® prides itself on safe, high-quality mattresses that are clinically effective and affordable, providing peace of mind to healthcare providers and patients alike.