Endothelial function is a critical aspect of cardiovascular health, as the endothelial cells that line the blood vessels play a key role in regulating blood flow, blood pressure, and the repair of damaged blood vessels. Dysfunction of these cells can lead to a range of health problems, including high blood pressure, diabetes, erectile dysfunction, and stroke.
Age-related endothelial dysfunction is a recognized health concern, as the ability of the endothelial cells to function properly decreases with age. Bed rest of insufficient quantity or quality can also contribute to endothelial dysfunction. The study by Baker et al (2019) at the University of Saint Mark and St John in Plymouth found that eight weeks of use of a special type of vascular endothelial stimulation mattress (VESTIMs) resulted in improved endothelial function by 197% among a group of healthy volunteers.
This study, which was published in the Journal of Wound Care, provides compelling evidence that using the VESTIMs mattress can improve endothelial function and leads to several other beneficial health outcomes. The study found an increase in fat-free muscle mass, a reduction in morning stiffness and improved blood flow to the skin. It is notable that endothelial dysfunction is a disorder that is age-related and is a precursor to cardiovascular disease and causes many disabling events.
In conclusion, endothelial function is a critical aspect of cardiovascular health and its dysfunction can lead to a range of health problems. Age-related endothelial dysfunction and bed rest of insufficient quantity or quality can be causes of this dysfunction.
The study by Baker et al (2019) has demonstrated that using a VESTIMs mattress can improve endothelial function and leads to several other beneficial health outcomes.Squirre